What I Have Learnt About Myself In My First Year at Google
It Is Not All About One Thing in Particular but About Everything at Once: Be Open, Plan Your Career, Do Not Ignore Your Strengths or Peers
As I progress through my second year at Google (as of 2024), I have found that each year brings unexpected changes and invaluable experiences. Rather than delving into exhaustive details, I will concentrate on the key lessons learned during my first year:
- Be open to doing any type of work to succeed
- Plan for your career iteratively
- Do not ignore your passions
- People matter more than your work items
About Me
For a bit of context, I am originally from Romania, I studied Computer Science at the University of Manchester (UK) until 2017 and finished a part-time Business Analytics at the University of Bath (you can read about it here). I previously worked for Morgan Stanley as a software engineer for nearly five years before moving to Google (UK — 2022) and subsequently to Google US (2024) in New York where I work currently as a software engineer.